Aashutosh Sapkota

big glowing question mark in the wall

How is it going? – A poem by Aashutosh Sapkota

A question but momentary, defined but not necessary. Agreed but not mandatory, lived but nit satisfactory. A question, how is it going? ended, but not complete, hungry, but not in the mood to eat. drowned, but breathing. crowned, but powerless. hyped, but audience-less, cracked, but beautiful. unquestioned, unanswered, unrevealed, a random guess, an assumption, A …

How is it going? – A poem by Aashutosh Sapkota Read More »

Google Arts & Culture – Explore Arts & Culture from anywhere, anytime instantly

Google Art and Culture With the increasing trend of the internet not only services, products, ideas, messages and so on are exchanged online but Google has taken a step forward to exchange culture, arts and places all around the world in a single platform – Google Arts & Culture. The link to the website and …

Google Arts & Culture – Explore Arts & Culture from anywhere, anytime instantly Read More »