
big glowing question mark in the wall

How is it going? – A poem by Aashutosh Sapkota

A question but momentary, defined but not necessary. Agreed but not mandatory, lived but nit satisfactory. A question, how is it going? ended, but not complete, hungry, but not in the mood to eat. drowned, but breathing. crowned, but powerless. hyped, but audience-less, cracked, but beautiful. unquestioned, unanswered, unrevealed, a random guess, an assumption, A …

How is it going? – A poem by Aashutosh Sapkota Read More »

silhouette of a women


Photo by John Hernandez on Unsplash (A poem to remind you that hero are human too)   She was praised by all in the town  had a smile that seems like it wanted to frown. I want to reach out to her and  pat her head, but the more I get closer the farther she …

Hero Read More »